Social Wellness

Social Wellness

The revelation of the Roseto effect shed light on the power of social connections and their influence on health and longevity. Within this tight-knit Italian American community, the bonds forged through relationships, camaraderie, and a deep sense of togetherness acted as a shield against the ailments that plagued many others in different settings.

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By embracing energy management and integrating it into your daily life, you can enhance your anti-fragility and overall wellbeing. Remember, anti-fragility is not about avoiding challenges or seeking constant comfort but about building resilience and growth through intentional energy management.

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In my view, happiness has become an overrated and excessively commodified sales strategy. Let's face it - all those fluffy promises of finding happiness by following specific steps, visualising certain things, and relentlessly thinking "positive" thoughts until your face turns blue... they just don't sit well with me.

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By incorporating these space-clearing practices, you can cultivate an environment that supports your well-being and allows your energy to flow freely. Embrace the power of space clearing and energy awareness to create harmony and invite positive transformations into your life.

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Cultivating compassion is not only a way to address the compassion crisis but also a means to foster deep connections and promote healing in our world.

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Marshall McLuhan, the Canadian philosopher, spoke a truth in the 1970s that remains as relevant today as it was decades ago: "Our Age of Anxiety is, in great part, the result of trying to do today's jobs with yesterday's tools." This insightful statement highlights the challenges we face in an ever-changing world where anxiety, depression, and burnout often signal misalignment.

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Relatability encompasses both aspects. It invites us to genuinely engage with the lives of others, fostering empathy, connection, and a sense of shared experiences. At the same time, it doesn't require us to abandon our own unique journey.

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The Transformative Power of Sound Healing - Harmonising Your Being

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Nunchi - The Art of Understanding Without Words

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Over 2,500 years ago, the Greek sage Hippocrates emphasised the importance of a healthy mind in a healthy body. Yet, only now are we beginning to fully recognise and embrace the interconnectedness of mental, emotional, and physical health in society.

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Do you agree that having access to a loyal community has the power to boost your immunity? The last few years have underscored the essence of community spirit for many of us.

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What was your favourite colour when you were seven years old? Has your colour palette evolved since then? Do you find yourself gravitating towards specific colours when decorating your home, choosing an outfit, or selecting artwork for your walls?

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What makes water so special? Besides the fact that we need it to survive. Did you know that water is considered the elixir and source of life? It covers more than 70% of the Earth’s surface, makes up nearly 70% of our bodies

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Breathing - it seems like such a simple act, yet in today's fast-paced world, many of us have forgotten how to truly breathe. The art of conscious breathing, often referred to as breath-work, holds immense potential to enhance mindfulness, reduce tension, and improve overall health.

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Mental Flexibility

Mental Flexibility

By nurturing mental flexibility, you'll find yourself better equipped to navigate life's twists and turns. Remember, happiness is not a destination but a journey. It's about finding contentment in the present moment and embracing the ever-changing nature of life. So, keep flexing those mental muscles and embrace the beauty of adaptability. You've got this!

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Tea or Coffee?

Tea or Coffee?

We all know that feeling of confidently walking into our favourite coffee shop and rattling off our specific drink order with ease. But what about when it comes to identifying our own unique strengths? Imagine your barista, for a change, said the following:

"Hello and welcome! How are you doing today? What are your top 5 strengths? You know what I mean... those 5 talents you master just like I master the La Marzocco machine." 🤯

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Tension, pressure, and stress are undeniable parts of life, and fighting against them only amplifies the sensation of a tight chest and a clenched jaw - no bueno. Let's reframe here - instead of fighting these emotions, let's begin to see them as ocean waves of different shapes and sizes that you are here to ride like a pro-surfer.

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🫧 Loyalty builds trust and strengthens relationships

🫧 Loyalty provides a sense of security and belonging

🫧 Loyalty fosters empathy and compassion

🫧 Loyalty helps us overcome challenges

🫧 Loyalty brings joy and happiness

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Here are 6 potent space healing techniques:

💥 Incense (including copal, palo santo, ...)

💥 Candles (those tiny white teacup candles are powerful!)

💥 Crystals (my favorite crystal right now is Shungite)

💥 Smudging (this modality has become quite en vogue in the past years)

💥 Altar building (I am quite confident that you've got altars around your home already)

💥 "Feng shui" (also known as the Chinese science of placement)

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Here are four essential oils that I keep in my home apothecary throughout the year:

1. Lavender:

If you only choose one oil, let it be lavender. Its delightful fragrance comes with a host of healing properties. Lavender is antiseptic and can quickly soothe burns. It is known for its healing, purifying, balancing, and calming qualities. Lavender helps release negative emotions and promotes peaceful sleep. Adding a few drops of lavender oil to your bedtime bath or pillow can aid in relaxation and bring sweet dreams.

2. Sandalwood:

Sandalwood has been considered sacred for centuries. In the East, it was used to aid meditation and alleviate anxiety and insomnia.

3. Ylang-ylang:

Renowned as an aphrodisiac, ylang-ylang is also an incredibly soothing and calming oil. Spritzing a diluted mist of ylang-ylang around your home during gatherings can create a serene atmosphere. It promotes confidence and can be beneficial during exams or when facing problems. Add a few drops to your diffuser or place a tissue with three drops in your sleeve.

4. Tea tree:

Tea tree oil is a powerful antifungal, antiviral, and antibacterial agent. Incorporating a few drops into your bath can help combat colds.

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