Exploring the Power of Colour

Enhancing Wellbeing and Creativity

Colours, Begin with Negin, Journal, Energy Management

What was your favourite colour when you were seven years old? Has your colour palette evolved since then? Do you find yourself gravitating towards specific colours when decorating your home, choosing an outfit, or selecting artwork for your walls?

Let's take a moment to reflect on the past and explore the profound influence of colour in our lives and practices. The healing temples of ancient Greece recognised the therapeutic value of colour. In ancient Egypt, there were temples dedicated to light and colour as sources of healing. The healing traditions of India and China also bear witness to the power of colours in physical and psychological healing.

It makes sense because our entire bodies are sensitive to colour. Scientific research has even shown that people can be trained to detect colour with their fingertips, possibly by picking up on the unique vibrational frequency of each colour. There is compelling evidence that colour can impact various aspects of our lives, from our health and happiness to our success and mood swings.

For instance, seeing a woman walk past you wearing red lipstick can stimulate your glandular system, increase your heart rate, elevate your blood pressure, and quicken your heartbeat. No wonder the beauty industry invests heavily in teams of scientists and psychologists to curate bespoke colour palettes. In fact, hospital patients with high blood pressure have been shown to lower their blood pressure on demand simply by visualising the colour blue.

The word "chroma" originates from the Greek term "khrōma," meaning 'colour.' In colour theory, chroma refers to the degree of vividness of a colour. Various wellness modalities incorporate the power of the colour spectrum.

Here are a few examples:

⚜️ Chromanumerology associates colours with numerology, infusing the colours of your energy centres (chakras) based on your life's number.

⚜️ Chromatherapy utilises colours to create clarity and awareness around your trigger points.

⚜️ Chromayoga correlates bespoke colours within a yoga studio to create a specific vibration and theme for each yoga session.

Now, here's a 6-step colour breathing exercise for you, First name:

Step 1 🔹 Choose the colour that you feel is most needed in your life right now.

Step 2 🔹 Find a comfortable position and breathe in a relaxed manner.

Step 3 🔹 Visualise yourself bathed in your chosen colour.

Step 4 🔹 As you breathe in, imagine the colour entering your body through your belly button. Feel it spreading throughout your entire being.

Step 5 🔹 As you breathe out, envision the colour grey leaving your body.

Step 6 🔹 Repeat this for at least 10 breaths.

Allow yourself to experiment with a broad spectrum of colours in all aspects of your life. Embrace the power of colour to enhance your wellbeing, tap into your creativity, and create vibrant experiences.

Your energy matters,




