Embracing Tension

Golf and it’s relationship with Stress Management

Tension, Energy Management, Journal, Begin with Negin

Have you been feeling tense lately?

Perhaps you've been holding onto some tension in your lower back?

I know life has picked up pace like Speedy Gonzalez lately. Let's take a moment to stretch those beautiful wings of yours towards the sky. What do you say?

Today, we're going to delve into the topic of tension and its relationship to the game of golf. But don't worry, you don't have to be an avid golfer to keep reading.

Tension, pressure, and stress are undeniable parts of life, and fighting against them only amplifies the sensation of a tight chest and a clenched jaw - no bueno. Let's reframe here - instead of fighting these emotions, let's begin to see them as ocean waves of different shapes and sizes that you are here to ride like a pro-surfer. These waves of emotions can actually be beneficial in small doses, as they can help you focus and perform at your best. However, when these feelings become overwhelming, they can have a negative impact on our mental and physical health - crashing wave sound.

This is where golf comes in. The game of golf is often perceived as a relaxing and leisurely activity, but in reality, it requires a great deal of focus and mental toughness. Players are constantly under pressure to perform and make the right shot. This is where the parallels between golf and tension/stress management emerge. One of the key aspects of golf is the ability to execute. Players need to be able to focus on the task at hand, block out distractions, and perform under pressure. This is something that can be applied to all aspects of life, not just the game of golf.

It is also important to remember that the longest distance in golf is between your ears. Golf legend Annika Sörenstam once said, "The most important shot in golf is the next one." This serves as a reminder that players need to let go of past mistakes and focus on the present. It's a valuable lesson for managing stress and tension in our daily lives. Leave the past where it belongs - behind you. Focus on the present and don't let past mistakes hold you back.

Release the tension one breath at a time.

Your energy matters,



Tea or Coffee?

