Embracing Connection and Relatability

Finding Kindred Spirits

Gather, Journal, Begin with Negin, Energy Management

That indescribable feeling when you find your "kind of" people - a group of kindred spirits who understand you on a deeper level. Throughout history, ancient cultures recognised the importance of gathering together, of talking and sharing, to make sense of life's mysteries. Sobonfu Somé, a renowned Burkinabe writer and authority on African spirituality, eloquently highlighted the deep longing among people in the West to connect with something bigger - with community and spirit. Do you resonate with S. Somé's sentiment?

We may not always have control over the guest list at events and gatherings we plan to attend. However, that's where the magic happens. We may not choose who we sit next to, but we can choose how we relate to them. It's an opportunity for growth and understanding, even amidst potential differences or challenges.

It's essential to establish tiny rituals that center and ground ourselves. Consider incorporating breath-work, journaling, a short walk around the block, or dancing to release any frustrations and find balance within. In my unsolicited opinion, one of the most counter-intuitive yet transformative practices is shifting our focus onto others. When we extend kindness and understanding to those around us, it has a profound healing effect on ourselves as well.

Now, let's ponder an important question, about gathering with our loved ones and the concept of relatability -

Does celebrating relatability involve engaging with the lives of others, or does it mean escaping from one's own life?

Relatability encompasses both aspects. It invites us to genuinely engage with the lives of others, fostering empathy, connection, and a sense of shared experiences. At the same time, it doesn't require us to abandon our own unique journey. Relatability encourages us to honour and embrace our own story while finding common ground and building bridges with those around us. Let's embrace the power of connection and relatability. Let's cultivate a sense of community, both within ourselves and with others, as we navigate the joy and challenges of coming together.

Remember, the true magic lies in the bonds we forge and the kindred spirits we discover along the way.

Your energy matters,




