Clearing Space

The Power of your Environment

Clear, Journal, Begin with Negin, Energy Management

Truth is, the more you tune in to yourself and your own energy, the more sensitive you become to the energy of places and other people. Creating harmony between your energy and the energy held in a space can be achieved through a simple practice known as 'space clearing'.

Let's take a look at a historical analogy. Before Dutch microbiologist Antoni van Leeuwenhoek discovered bacteria in 1667, people didn't believe in them because they couldn't see them. Can we blame our ancestors for that? It's understandable. In a similar vein, energy is often unseen, but that doesn't make it any less real, right?

I like to think of energy as the most undervalued currency we all have access to at all times. Energy doesn't discriminate, and once you become aware of how your energy functions, you naturally become more discerning about where you invest it. Your energy typology provides clues about the relationships to initiate, projects to launch, and personal goals to prioritise.

Your environment plays a crucial role in this—actually, a HUGE role. Your energy can go in one of two ways. It can be amplified within a space, making you feel unstoppable, or it can feel constricted, like a dried-out lime sitting on your kitchen counter. Creating an optimal environment means designing your space to be the most conducive environment for accessing your genius mind and creating valuable output.

Clearing an old space of previous energy or elevating a new space for what is to come is a meditative practice. Space clearing serves as a reset for your mind and heart, reminding them to stay open so that you can receive new blessings.

Here are three of my favourite ways to clear space:

Sage Sage, a medicinal plant that grows wild, is often associated with Native American ceremonial smudging. Burning sage helps rid spaces and people of negative energy, dispel illness, and create a fresh start.

Salt Salt is renowned for its ability to absorb and trap negative energy. Placing small bowls of salt in each corner of a room is an easy way to clear the space and create a harmonious environment.

Incense The burning of incense is a practice found in various cultures and religions. It is used to invoke deities, represent prayers rising to heaven, and make daily offerings. Lighting incense can bring a sense of sacredness and clarity to a space.

By incorporating these space-clearing practices, you can cultivate an environment that supports your well-being and allows your energy to flow freely. Embrace the power of space clearing and energy awareness to create harmony and invite positive transformations into your life.

Your energy matters,




