Energising Your Space

The Power of Spatial Energetics

Space, Energy Management, Begin with Negin, Journal

Your space matters. ๐Ÿชด

Every ancient wisdom philosophy recognises subtle energy. In Japan, it's known as 'ki'; in Farsi, 'neeroo'; in China, 'qi'; in India, 'prana,' and the Hip Hop mogul Russell Simmons popularised the term 'vibes' ๐Ÿง˜๐Ÿพโ€โ™‚๏ธ. Holistic practices have, for centuries, recognised that absolutely everything around us - whether a chair, a puppy, a skateboard, or our own body - is made of energy vibrating at different frequencies.

Let's delve into the energetics of your space ๐Ÿ›–. In addition to keeping your home tidy, you can shift the vibration of your space by cleansing its energy. Think about your space as a glass container, like a beautiful vase, with a finite volume inside. There are many space clearing techniques you can choose from based on your personal preference. Sound, scent, prayer, as well as intention-setting, are tools that hold the power to refine and balance the energy of your space.

The Science -

Have you heard about neuroaesthetics? It's a field of experimental science that combines psychological research with aesthetics. If neuroaesthetics were an animated movie, it would be called "Beauty and the Brain." Scientific research shows that your actual space influences your ability to work and focus. You can calm an anxious mind by refining your environment ๐Ÿง . You can create an optimal environment to engage in deep rejuvenation. Pick your environment by listening to your heart's voice, your intuition ๐Ÿงญ.

Spatial Energetics -

Consider these 5 questions to tune into your spatial energetics:

๐Ÿช Does your internal space (i.e., your state of mind) reflect the space surrounding you?

๐Ÿช Do you feel clarity across the physical, emotional, financial, and spiritual aspects of your life?

๐Ÿช Are there items in your home that instantly spark joy for you?

๐Ÿช Do you have a weekly practice that holds space for you as a container to evolve and grow (e.g., a wellbeing routine, dedicated call with your community, etc)?

๐Ÿช Do you have space to engage in deep work? We've become subject matter experts at topical tasks, but what about those deep emotional reflections that lurk beneath our bandaid thoughts?

Space Clearing Techniques -

Here are 6 potent space healing techniques:

๐Ÿ’ฅ Incense (including copal, palo santo, ...)

๐Ÿ’ฅ Candles (those tiny white teacup candles are powerful!)

๐Ÿ’ฅ Crystals (my favorite crystal right now is Shungite)

๐Ÿ’ฅ Smudging (this modality has become quite en vogue in the past years)

๐Ÿ’ฅ Altar building (I am quite confident that you've got altars around your home already)

๐Ÿ’ฅ "Feng shui" (also known as the Chinese science of placement)

By incorporating these techniques into your space, you can create a harmonious and energetically balanced environment. Remember, your space is an extension of yourself, and nurturing it can have a profound impact on your well-being and productivity.

How do you currently energise your space? Are there any specific scents or rituals that resonate with you?

Your energy matters,




