Key takeaways

  • Spring Equinox is a time of new beginnings and a chance to embrace the potential of what's to come.

  • Nowruz is a time for cleansing, decluttering, and letting go of the old to make space for the new.

  • Late summer is a time of perfect balance that contains elements of all the seasons, and it's an exciting time for new beginnings.

Journal, Seasons, Begin with Negin, Nature Flow, Energy Management

Let’s talk about the significance of seasons.

Spring season begins with the celebration of the Spring Equinox, a time when day and night are of equal length, and the earth awakens from its winter slumber. Spring is a time of renewal, rebirth, and new beginnings. It’s a time to embrace change, shed old habits, and plant the seeds of our aspirations.

In many cultures, the Spring Equinox is a significant event, marking the beginning of the new year. One such celebration is the Persian New Year, known as Nowruz, which falls on the Spring Equinox. Nowruz is a time of joy, feasting, and celebrating with loved ones. It is also a time for cleansing, decluttering, and letting go of the old to make space for the new.

Nowruz is a reminder that life is cyclical, and everything has a season. The Spring Equinox represents the return of light and warmth, and with it, a renewed sense of hope and possibility. It’s a time to focus on the positive and embrace the potential of what’s to come.

How about we use the power of the Spring Equinox and Nowruz to reset our intentions and realign ourselves with our values?

Here are some ways you can embrace the energy of new beginnings this season:

  • Set intentions - use the Spring Equinox to set intentions for the coming season. What do you want to achieve? What new habits do you want to form?

  • Cleanse and declutter - Nowruz is a time to cleanse and declutter your home and your life. Let go of anything that no longer serves you, and create space for new energy and opportunities.

  • Connect with nature - spring is a time of new growth and abundance in nature. Take time to connect with the natural world around you, whether it’s through a walk in the park or planting your own garden.

  • Celebrate with loved ones - Nowruz is a time to celebrate with loved ones and share in the joy of new beginnings. Connect with friends and family, share a meal, and express gratitude for the blessings in your life.

Let’s embrace the power of new beginnings and the hope and possibility they bring. Click here for some uplifting music to listen to while celebrating.

Late summer is not a depressing “Debbie Downer” season though, far from that! It's an exciting time, giving us the possibilities of new beginnings, thoughts, views, and opinions. The Chinese Five Element system describes wood, fire, earth, metal, and water as the basic elements of the material world. Late summer is a season all of its own, seen as the fulcrum of the year, a time of perfect balance that contains elements of all the seasons. It's an in-between period when the fire of summer mellows into the balanced energy of earth. The element linked to the late summer season is earth, central to all the other elements. This is a particularly tricky seasonal shift, and all ancient wisdom stresses how essential it is to keep ourselves balanced and centred.

Mother Earth has a pure intelligence, and every physical shift and change is a message on how to be in the flow, to embrace our natural power and be more ALIVE. Fall starts with the harvest, a time when farmers pull food from the ground, harvest the wheat and the corn and get busy prepping/storing it for the winter. The animals are following suit gathering acorns and building winter proof homes. It’s a time of great activity, business, and organisation. Since those good old school, the onset of autumn has signified a fresh start, so it’s a wonderful time to shake things up a bit. No wonder we’ve naturally chosen this time to go back to school.

The transition from summer to autumn is a great time to reassess, reset and reboot. If you've been thinking of implementing some wellness habits, there is no time like now – it makes sense to bolster your wellbeing before the onset of winter. Seeing the leaves change colour and shed also acts as a visual reminder to do the same for ourselves – it’s the natural order of things - release and let go of what no longer serves you, First name. As we start to spend more time indoors again, our focus shifts internally, allowing us to reflect on what’s working, what’s not and how we can make the rest of the year count.

It's also a perfect time to double-click on your realignment practices. You know what I mean - the rituals that make you feel in alignment with your true self. Syncing with natures seasons is a powerful practice.


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